National Politics

Op-Ed: Close the Car Show Loophole!

By Evan F. Nappen, Esq. At car shows and swaps throughout the United States, cars are sold in private sales with no dealer being involved. Car shows at which cars are exhibited or offered for sale or exchange provide a convenient and centralized commercial location where criminals and other wrongdoers obtain cars without credit background checks and without records that enable car tracing. We all...

NSSF: Report Shatters Myth of Mexico’s Gun Supply

A new report calls "The 90 Percent Myth," which refers to the number of illegal guns in Mexico coming from the United States, "more political rhetoric than empirical fact." We couldn't agree more. NSSF has been trying to stamp out "The 90 Percent Myth" ever since ATF misstated the number in testimony at a congressional hearing in 2009. A prompt clarification issued by ATF couldn't put the...

CCRKBA to Holder on ATF Scandal: 'Investigate and fire, or resign'

Following new revelations regarding the growing scandal over the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' "Project Gunrunner"- the most recent on Wednesday's CBS Evening News — the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today is calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate the allegations and remove ATF officials responsible, or hand in his resignation. "...

WikiLeaks exposes true origins of Mexican cartels' weaponry (Hint: It's not due to the "mythical" gun show loophole)

by Jim Shepherd The idea that we'd ever find WikiLeaks information relevant to the protection of United States citizens' gun rights wasn't anywhere on our radar when the NSSF's Larry Keane tipped us off to some disturbing information gleaned from leaked State Department documents. According to State Department cables, the Mexican drug cartels are getting their weaponry from an international...

Op-Ed: Mayor Bloomberg's Arizona Gun Show P.R. Stunt

by John Lott New York City's murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault rates rose last year according to preliminary FBI data, with murders alone increasing by more than 12 percent. But instead of concentrating on crime in New York City, Mayor Bloomberg just spent $100,000 of the NYPD's budget sending police to Arizona to buy guns at a gun show. The "sting" was a waste of money that misleads...

Changing Gun Privileges Back into Gun Rights: The first step in holding back the Leftist Tide

Editor's Note: This commentary was also published recently at . by Gerard Valentino The pro-gun movement is proud that 48 states have some sort of mechanism that allows concealed carry by law abiding citizens. Most of the 48 states have "shall issue" laws which means that if a citizen meets the legal requirements established by the legislature, the issuing authority has no...

Senator investigating allegations guns sold in purchases sanctioned by BATFE were later used to kill a Border Patrol agent

By Chad D. Baus The Associated Press reported recenty that a U.S. senator is examining a claim that two guns sold in purchases sanctioned by federal firearms agents were later used in a December shootout that left a Border Patrol agent dead near the Arizona-Mexico border. From the article : Republican Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa said in a letter provided Monday to The Associated Press he had...

Alan Korwin: Time for National Carry Laws

by Alan Korwin Recent events have made it painfully obvious that murderous trouble can erupt at any time and in any place. It is a clear and present danger. We can no longer afford to pretend such dangers do not exist. It is irresponsible to continue to imagine that police can be everywhere, or that they can respond with sufficient speed to prevent a homicidal rampage. Police are second...


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