National Politics

Op-Ed: NRA Support Propels Candidates

By Brad O'Leary When you analyze the impact of conservative and single-issue membership organizations on the 2010 midterm elections, you find that one group’s efforts dwarfed the rest: The National Rifle Association of America. The NRA spent $20 million on behalf of its candidates — nearly five times more than the combined effort of all other such groups. In fact, the amount of money the NRA...

Don't misinterpret the bloodbath, GOP

Editor's Note: The following piece was submitted by BFA volunteer Tim Inwood on October 24. Pressing election-related news prevented it from being published earlier, but it is certainly impressive to see how clear Inwood's crystal ball was. As you read the following, consider this election night quote from Florida Senator-elect Marco Rubio: "We make a grave mistake if we believe that tonight...

The Second Amendment’s Great Election Night

by David Kopel The Second Amendment had a great night on Tuesday. Across the nation, the right to arms is stronger than ever, and the stage has been set for constructive reforms in 2011. U.S. Senate: The net result of Tuesday was a gain of +6 votes on Second Amendment issues. In not a single U.S. Senate seat did the gun control lobby gain ground. Three open seats switched from anti-gun to pro-gun...

Election 2010: Pro-gun rights voters play major roll in statewide contests

by Chad D. Baus & Jim Irvine The voters have spoken. While a lot can and will be said about this election, as a non-partisan, one-issue PAC, our post-election analysis will stay focused on observations regarding how the outcome will affect gun rights issues in the months and years to come. U.S. Senate: In a must win race for gun owners, Rob Portman (R) defeated anti-gun and F-rated Lee Fisher...

Report: Scalia takes Kagan to the gun range

The website "The Daily Caller" is reporting that according to two witnesses, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia took fellow Justice Elena Kagan out for a lesson in skeet shooting at his shooting club in Virginia last week. From the article : The witnesses saw Scalia at the Fairfax Rod and Gun Club, where he is a member, around noon on Wednesday of last week. He was with a woman who was...

BFA / NRA endorsee Rob Portman submits to interview with USSA/ Outdoor Writers of Ohio

Editor's Note: Buckeye Firearms Association was the only Ohio gun group to have an outdoor writer (Region Leader Larry S. Moore) at the recent U.S. Sportsmen Alliance/Outdoor Writer of Ohio interviews with Rob Portman, former Congressman and current candidate for U.S. Senate. Also represented at the interviews were Ohio Outdoor News, Ohio Valley Outdoors, Akron Beacon Journal, Columbus Dispatch,...

Senators to Secretary Clinton: Backdoor Gun Ban Violates Americans' Constitutional Right

Cornyn Leads Bipartisan Letter to Sec. Clinton on the Sale of Antique Rifles U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) today led a bipartisan group of Senators including Senators Mike Enzi (R-WY), Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK), and others in sending a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, urging her to reverse the State Department's reported decision to ban the sale of surplus antique rifles from South...

Op-Ed: Guns and the Drop in the Violent Crime Rate

by John Lott President Obama undoubtedly didn't intend it, but he deserves some credit for the recent report that all violent crime rates dropped in 2009, murder rates by 7.4 percent, robbery rates by 9 percent: His election caused gun sales to skyrocket, and crime rates to plummet. Gun sales started notably rising in October 2008, and sale really took off immediately after Obama won the...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.