Ohio Politics

Tomorrow, it's only a day away...

by Jim Shepherd Next Tuesday, I hope your day planner begins the same as mine. At the top of my agenda in big red letters is a four-letter word that defines why we're the country everyone loves to hate, but can't wait to visit. The four letters: VOTE. Yep, that glorious Tuesday when all the months of ceaseless mud, bull and hyperbole slinging stops - at least for a few hours - as citizens...

Gubernatorial Candidates Battle Over Guns

(Firefox users: If you have any trouble viewing the embedded video, click here to read the story transcript.) In related news, the Ohio Elections Commission has found "no probable cause" to support Kasich/Bubp's false accusations that Strickland lied. Strickland campaign spokeswoman Lis Smith celebrated this morning's ruling. "Today, the Kasich campaign's worst nightmare was realized when the...

Kasich Campaign Desperate to Spay/Neuter the Gun Vote

by Ken Hanson Conspicuously absent from almost all Kasich-Taylor campaigning before mid-October was any mention of firearm/hunting/sporting rights. There is a simple explanation for this. John Kasich's record on firearm rights is horrible . He is not being dinged for a single vote, or a few votes. Rather, Kasich has earned the ire of every state-based firearm group based upon many of his official...

DOWN TO THE WIRE: After two years of focus on the economy, the final Ohio gubernatorial battle is being fought over gun rights

by Jim Irvine After two years of excusing his practice of ignoring pro-gun voters by saying the election will be about the economy, John Kasich now finds himself in the final week of an election battle that is being waged on the very ground he forfeited earlier in the campaign. Polls indicated Kasich had a double digit lead two months ago. But then Ted Strickland set out to inform voters about...

Compare Ted Strickland and John Kasich on Gun Rights

Polls from Rasmussen Reports, Fox News, CNN/Time, CBS News/ The New York Times , The Dayton Daily News /Ohio Newspaper Poll and the Ohio Poll/ University of Cincinnati are all saying the same thing - Ohio's gubernatorial contest between incumbent Democrat Ted Strickland and Republican challenger John Kasich is down to a separation of only a couple of points, and within the polls' margin of error...

Letter to the Editor: "Rob Portman clearly the better choice"

Editor's Note: The following letter to the editor of The Dayton Daily News , written by Buckeye Firearms Association Region Leader Larry S. Moore, was published on October 19, 2010. To the Editor: The Dayton Daily News endorsement of Lee Fisher was not any surprise. Rob Portman is our family's choice and clearly the best choice for Ohio. I was part of the recent Outdoor Writers of Ohio interviews...

Cleveland clings to gun control until the bitter end

by Ken Hanson, Esq. On October 12, 2010, the Ohio Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Cleveland's challenge to the constitutionality of R.C. 9.68. R.C. 9.68 is the provision of Ohio law generally referred to as Ohio's preemption law, which was implemented over Governor Taft's veto of House Bill 347. Trying to predict the outcome of a court case based upon oral argument is pure folly, but...


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