Ohio Politics

Wrangling for vacated Supreme Court and Senate seats begins

The Dayton Daily News is reporting that the process to pick a replacement in the Ohio Senate for Republican Jon Husted is underway, and several politicians have already expressed interest. From the article : Husted was elected secretary of state Tuesday and is expected to resign from the Senate with two years left in his term, representing the 6th District. State Reps. Peggy Lehner, R-Kettering,...

Don't misinterpret the bloodbath, GOP

Editor's Note: The following piece was submitted by BFA volunteer Tim Inwood on October 24. Pressing election-related news prevented it from being published earlier, but it is certainly impressive to see how clear Inwood's crystal ball was. As you read the following, consider this election night quote from Florida Senator-elect Marco Rubio: "We make a grave mistake if we believe that tonight...

Post Election Action is Critical for Sportsmen

by Rob Sexton The dust has only begun to settle on Tuesday night's sweeping decision by Americans to re-make the face of our government once again. Both in the nation's capitol and in the states, Republicans made gains that will substantially shape the future of the country and, of course, the lives of many sportsmen and women. The difference this time will be all about priorities. The vast...

The Second Amendment’s Great Election Night

by David Kopel The Second Amendment had a great night on Tuesday. Across the nation, the right to arms is stronger than ever, and the stage has been set for constructive reforms in 2011. U.S. Senate: The net result of Tuesday was a gain of +6 votes on Second Amendment issues. In not a single U.S. Senate seat did the gun control lobby gain ground. Three open seats switched from anti-gun to pro-gun...

Election 2010: Pro-gun rights voters play major roll in statewide contests

by Chad D. Baus & Jim Irvine The voters have spoken. While a lot can and will be said about this election, as a non-partisan, one-issue PAC, our post-election analysis will stay focused on observations regarding how the outcome will affect gun rights issues in the months and years to come. U.S. Senate: In a must win race for gun owners, Rob Portman (R) defeated anti-gun and F-rated Lee Fisher...

"How John Kasich lost my vote only days before the election" and other letters from gun owners voting freedom first

Buckeye Firearms Association has taken its share of criticism from partisans who don't like our one-issue, non-partisan approach to evaluating, grading and endorsing candidates. But we've also heard from many people who are voting freedom first. It's Election Day, and we've said all we need to say until the polls close and the results are known. So here are a few examples from what YOU, our...

Election Day 2010: Vote TODAY in the Buckeye State!

by Jim Irvine Election Day is finally here. Candidates are exhausted. Relationships are stressed. We are all emotionally ready to put this bitter election season behind us. Tonight we will know the political landscape that will shape the future of our local communities, our state, and our nation. It bears repeating, elections matter. If you have not already done so, get out and vote today...

Final round: Mythbusting gubernatorial campaign claims

"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." - Ecclesiastes 1:9 By Chad D. Baus & Jim Irvine While it may seem that the events of the past week, involving misleading attacks against candidates endorsed by Buckeye Firearms Association, are something new and unprecedented, in fact we've seen it all before. In 2004, a mailer was sent...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.