Ohio Politics

Strickland campaign releases new television/ radio ads targeting Second Amendment voters

by Chad D. Baus On October 5, the Strickland for Governor campaign released a new television ad, entitled "Hunters," which highlights Strickland's support of hunters and his endorsement by the National Rifle Association (NRA) and Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA). "In Washington, John Kasich voted to take away our gun rights. In fact, John Kasich's record was so bad, the NRA gave him an F," the...

Elderly church members gunned down after exiting Youngstown worship services

by Chad D. Baus The Associated Press is reporting that a Youngstown church community haunted by the parking-lot shooting death of an 80-year-old member in January is now mourning the killing of another elderly parishioner minutes after leaving church. From the article : Someone fired up to a dozen shots at Thomas Repchic, 75, as he drove from church Saturday with his 74-year-old wife, who was...

Columbus Mayor Coleman trots out Mayors Against Illegal Guns "study" in latest call to overturn preemption law

by Chad D. Baus and Ken Hanson A report released by billionaire New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's gun control front group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), has received excessive coverage from its willing friends in the media this week, and is being used by Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman as "proof" of the need to overturn Ohio's statewide preemption law that prohibits city governments from...

Early voting begins: Review our Pro Gun Voter Guide before casting your vote!

Early voting, also called Absentee voting, starts on September 28, 2010. Any registered voter in Ohio can vote early. You simply need to apply for an absentee ballot. If you live in Hamilton, Franklin, Montgomery, Cuyahoga, Madison, or Mahoning county, the Board of Elections is mailing an absentee voter application to you. Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to vote early. If you...

Media brings gun issue to forefront in campaign coverage; Latest poll shows gubernatorial race tightening

by Chad D. Baus For much of the 2010 campaign season, the economy has dominated voters' thoughts as to their plans for the voting booth - far outweighing factors that often make the difference in close elections. But with The Dayton Daily News reporting that poll numbers between John Kasich and Ted Strickland have closed to within just four points , the gun issue could again become a deciding...

Custom Pro-Gun Voter Guide for Ohio

Use this handy tool to create a Custom Voter Guide for your district. Follow the directions below carefully. You'll get a list of candidates who will be on your ballot, along with our grades and endorsements. You can then print your custom voter guide for reference on election day. Privacy Assured: We do not collect any information with this tool. EXAMPLES John Smith 1252 Main St Anytown OH 45123...

Vote your conscience

by Jeff Knox I've told this story before, but I think it's worth repeating. I started carrying on a regular basis over 25 years ago while I was a college student in Prescott, Arizona. I rented a room in the back of Bucky O'Neill Sporting Goods and worked part-time for J. & G. Sales, the firearms wholesaler. Guns had always been an important part of my life and that was especially true in...

NRA-PVF Endorses Rob Portman for U.S. Senate in Ohio

The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) has announced its endorsement of Rob Portman for U.S. Senate. "I am honored to receive the endorsement of the NRA Political Victory Fund," said Rob Portman. "Our 2nd Amendment rights are under attack by forces in Washington that want to limit our Constitutional rights. I will continue fighting to protect and strengthen the rights of...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.