Ohio Politics

2008 Attorney General Summary on Concealed Carry: Record year for Ohio concealed handgun licenses

By Jim Irvine Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray (D) has released the concealed handgun license (CHL) statistics for the fourth quarter of 2008 and the year-end report, Ohio Concealed Handgun Law - 2008 Annual Report . Just as we have seen a spike in demand for guns, we see a strong surge in concealed carry applications from people who want to carry a concealed weapon (CCW). The fourth quarter...

GOP Senate candidate Rob Portman addresses League of Ohio Sportsmen

By Larry S. Moore The League of Ohio Sportsmen recently held their 101st annual convention in Marietta, Ohio. I attended for a portion of the conference and the evening banquet. In addition to talking sportsmen and conservation club leaders from around Ohio, I wanted to hear Rob Portman's key note address. Portman is the announced Republican candidate for the Senate seat being vacated by Senator...

Controversy over the Division-Proposed Move of the Deer Statewide Muzzle Loading Season

Editors Note: District Open Houses on Sunday March 1 provide an opportunity to give feedback on proposed moves. For all the regulation changes and Open House information click here . By Larry S. Moore The Ohio Division of Wildlife is proposing moving the muzzle loading season for deer. It is good to question the status quo. I enjoy a good debate and applaud the Division biologists for examining...

Dayton Daily News (accidentally) educates readers on need for national reciprocity law

By Chad D. Baus While it obviously wasn't the intent of Dayton Daily News reporter Laura Bischoff, whose most memorable gun-related story came after passage of Ohio's concealed carry law in 2004, when Bischoff suggested that the "gun lobby" bought the law by outspending gun control extremists, a pair of stories on the subject of out-of-state licenses are serving to expose the need for a national...

Cuyahoga Co. Sheriff Gerald McFaul deputized son so he can carry a firearm; Refused to issue CHLs to constituents

By Chad D. Baus The list of abuses of power by city and county officials in Cleveland is long and distinguished - so much so that each individual report barely raises eyebrows anymore. For example, 23 years after telling an employee (whom he was dating) how to avoid a subpoena so she wouldn't have to testify against him in a sexual harassment suit, Cuyahoga County Sheriff Gerald McFaul is finally...

Municipalities continue to be upset with Ohio Supreme Court over gun rights

By Tim Inwood An old friend of mine, who is on the city council in my hometown, has given me the February 2009 copy of Risky Business , a newsletter put out by the Miami Valley Risk Management Association . He was concerned over comments made on the second page. Though the article is subtle, it is clearly an advocacy piece about a ruling with which they are unhappy. MVRMA seems to be bothered...

Potential exists for GOP primary contest in race for Chief Justice of Ohio Supreme Court

By Chad D. Baus The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that Ohio Supreme Court Justice Maureen O'Connor will run next year for chief justice, the state's highest judicial post, and that a potential GOP primary challenge could be in the works if former Attorney General Jim Petro also decides to run.

Democrat House Speaker's choices for Criminal Justice Committee cause concern among gun-owners

By Jim Irvine Speaker of the House Armond Budish (D-8) has announced the committees for the 128th General Assembly. While the Democratic House leadership is noticeably pro-2nd Amendment , the Ohio Criminal Justice Committee (CJC) is not. This is of concern to gun owners because the CJC has been where gun bills are typically assigned. After a bill is introduced, it is assigned to one of the...


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