Ohio Politics

It is time for mandatory gun accident prevention education in schools

By Chad D. Baus In the past month, no less than four Ohio children, aged eleven, ten, eight and four, have injured or killed people with firearms. Two of the victims, aged eight and two, were shot by their respective siblings. One of the victims, shot by his eleven year-old neighbor, was seven. Three of the victims died of their injuries. In all but one case (wherein a four year-old boy shot his...

Ten Threats To Our Ohio Gun Rights In 2009

By Alex Payton What follows is the third annual list of the ten greatest threats to our gun rights. To some degree, all of the threats that were previously listed are still threats to our Ohio gun rights. Some of those threats have become even more powerful and there are new threats that we are facing. In order to defend our rights, we have to know who or what threatens them. There are actually...

Republicans' attempt to remake party must include focus on Second Amendment

By Chad D. Baus While the major media focus continues to be on the Obama administration's infancy, the choosy newsreader can also find a number of stories covering various aspects of the Republican party's attempts to "rebrand" itself in the wake of major losses at the ballot box, both in Ohio and nationally, over the past two election cycles. As party leaders continue their soul-searching, they...

LTE: The public protected in NRA permit move

January 14, 2009 Toledo Blade A guest editorial from the Columbus Dispatch titled "Kowtowing to the NRA" accuses Ohio lawmakers of caving in to pressure from the NRA to not pass a proposal to raise the fee for obtaining a concealed carry permit by almost 22 percent. In doing so, the editorial says the lawmakers have "failed to put the best interest of the taxpayers first." I strongly disagree.

Ohio gun rights improved in 2008; Much more still to be done

By Jim Irvine Recently I helped our treasurer go through line by line all our donations for a campaign finance report. It struck me how many of you had donated, and how much some people donated. Thank you. It means a great deal that you put such trust in our group of leaders - who I promise will continue to work and earn that trust. Our educational corporation, Buckeye Firearms Foundation has...

All Politicians are not the Same - an Interview with Congressman Steve Austria

By Gerard Valentino Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman Jim Irvine is fond of saying that all politicians are not the same, despite people's belief to the contrary. As proof that not all politicians are the same, Buckeye Firearms Association has set up interviews with pro-gun legislators, and other elected officials who believe strongly in the right to bear arms. In this installment we cover...

2009-10 Hunting Regulations Proposed to Ohio Wildlife Council

Statewide muzzleloader season would move to January COLUMBUS, OH - Ohio sportsmen may notice a few changes in next year's hunting and trapping regulations, based on proposals presented January 7 to the Ohio Wildlife Council by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. September 1 is again proposed as the kick-off date for the state's fall hunting seasons--with the...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.