Ohio Politics

The truth about HB450 (what the Columbus Dispatch doesn't want you to read)

By Jim Irvine The Columbus Dispatch editorial "Kowtow to the NRA – Sheriffs got a raw deal when lawmakers backed down on concealed carry fee" demonstrates that the Dispatch editors are still more interested in spreading lies to prop up their failed ideas rather than accepting the truth and reporting the news. It is important to note that the Dispatch has been contacted many times by Buckeye...

Exposed: The gun ban lobby's secret letter to college and university administrators

By Stephen J. Feltoon Recently, a handful of people forwarded me a letter that was sent from the President of GunFreeKids.org as well as Toby Hoover (Executive Director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence) and whose recipient is unknown because the address has been redacted. The content and context of the letter indicates that it was sent to a college in Ohio (more likely it was sent to...

Pro-Gun Buckeye State conservative Ken Blackwell wants to chair Republican National Committee

Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, a good friend to Buckeye Firearms Association and to Ohio gun owners, has officially declared his candidacy for the chairman's post at the Republican National Committee (RNC). Blackwell, a former endorsee of this political action committee who sits on the NRA Board of Directors, has sent a letter to RNC members seeking their vote. According to The...

All Politicians are not the Same - an Interview with Representative-elect Seth Morgan

By Gerard Valentino Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman Jim Irvine is fond of saying that all politicians are not the same, despite people’s belief to the contrary. As proof that not all politicians are the same, Buckeye Firearms Association has set up interviews with pro-gun legislators, and other elected officials who believe strongly in the right to bear arms. In this installment we...

NRA's Wayne LaPierre visits Ohio; Urges gun owners to remain vigilant

“If the founders and framers of our Constitution were sitting here today, they would say we have made progress toward equality, justice and freedom for all people but would they also see storm clouds where other Americans see only change?” - Wayne LaPierre, Ashland, OH, November 17, 2008 The Ashland Times-Gazette is reporting that National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre...

Buckeye Firearms Assoc. endorsees to hold majority of leadership positions among House Democrats

Thanks in large part to having run so many pro-gun candidates in key districts, Democrats will hold a slim majority next year in the Ohio House. The House Democratic caucus has chosen Rep. Armond Budish (D-08) as the next House speaker. He will replace Republican Jon Husted when the 128th General Assembly is formed in January. It is an encouraging sign that, despite a change in party leadership,...

ALERT: ODOT notifies Buckeye Firearms Assoc. visitor center "NO GUNS" signs to come down

On October 30, Buckeye Firearms Association was pleased to report that the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) had ordered all NO GUNS signs at state rest stops to be removed . Buckeye Firearms Association has just received word that Chief Legal Counsel Cathy Cola Perkins has confirmed that "the signs will be coming down in the visitor centers as well."


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.