Ohio Politics

ODNR appoints three deputy directors

March 22, 2007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE COLUMBUS, OH - Sean D. Logan, Director of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, announced today three key executive personnel appointments at the agency. Joining the Director’s leadership team are Deputy Directors Anthony Celebrezze, Cathryn Loucas and Anthony Trevena. All three will be on board by mid April. Celebrezze has worked for the U.S. Sportsmen’s...

OhioGOP one step closer to pro-gun leader

By Chad D. Baus Despite reports in recent weeks that Ohio GOP chairman Bob Bennett was considering an abandonment of his plan to orchestrate an orderly transfer of power within the OhioGOP via the creation of the position of Deputy Chairman, the Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that the party's central committee voted on March 9 to create a deputy director position. The person to fill it will...

League of Ohio Sportsmen honors award-winners

By Larry S. Moore On February 17, 2007, the League of Ohio Sportsmen recognized some leading conservationists, foresters, etc. Hunter Educator of the Year – Phyllis Herrington Phyllis has gone above and beyond the call of duty in the preparations and teaching of Hunter Education classes. She has frequently run virtually all the classes in Williams County. She has a natural love of the outdoors...

Attorney General announces Fourth Quarter 2006 CHL statistics

By Jim Irvine Attorney General Marc Dann has released the concealed handgun license statistics for the fourth quarter of 2006. There were 4,232 regular licenses, and 13 temporary emergency licenses issued, bringing the total to 86,973 Ohioans issued a licensed to carry a concealed handgun. Nearly 19,000 law-abiding citizens obtained their CHL in 2007. There have been no shootouts over fender-...

Just how opposed to a pro-gun chairman IS the OhioGOP?

By Chad D. Baus Earlier this month, we reported that plans to orchestrate an orderly transfer of power within the OhioGOP were under way, via the creation of the position of Deputy Chairman. We also noted that although he was not among those handpicked by OhioGOP Chairman Bob Bennett as a possible successor, State Representative Kevin DeWine (a three-time endorsee of this political action...

Kevin DeWine Makes Bid for Deputy Chairman, Ohio Republican Party

By Larry S. Moore Since the November 2006 elections many political pundits have wondered about the future direction and leadership of the Ohio Republican Party (ORP). More than a few columns were written conjecturing whether ORP Chairman Bob Bennett would step down or not. Many gun owners hoped Bennett would be gone. It is now known that Bennett intends to stay for another term but has laid the...

Ohio Supreme Court won't hear Beatty appeal

The Toledo Blade is reporting that the Ohio Supreme Court voted 5-2 (Justice Evelyn Lundberg Stratton and Justice Judith Ann Lanzinger dissenting) against hearing the appeal of Bruce Beatty, who was convicted of carrying a concealed handgun into Toledo's Ottawa Park in protest of a city ordinance. From the story: The move upholds lower-court rulings that Toledo's prohibition on firearms in public...

Early 2008 Presidential Contenders: Pick your gun control poison

By Chad D. Baus Traditionally, whomever is leading in polling one year ahead of the Presidential primaries becomes the eventual party nominee. If tradition holds true...there is a storm on the horizon... Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Republican All gun owners should pass written test "I do not think the government should cut off the right to bear arms. My position for many years has been...


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