
Chief Investigator for Madison Co., IL Sheriff's Office reveals details about March church shooting

Xenia, OH's Glen Evans, of the Church Security Alliance , recently conducted a phone interview with Captain Brad Wells, Chief Investigator for Madison County, Illinois Sheriff's Office. Wells responded to the tragic church security incident on March 8, 2009, when Pastor Fred Winters was shot and killed while preaching. Among other things, Wells reveals that there was an armed, retired officer in...

Southern California churches advocate arming congregants

By John Longenecker The genius of concealed carry of handguns is that would­-be murderers remain uncertain as to who is armed and who isn't. You never know if the target is armed with lethal force, and more to the point, how alert and prepared they are to resist. This is true for everyone interested in being as safe as they can be from future violence, because it comes to the realization of...

Restraining Orders: A Phony Refuge from an Abuser

By Gerard Valentino A recent story in Indiana should strike home in the self-defense community and should resonate with advocates for battered women in America. In Brownsburg, just north of Indianapolis, the Associated Press is reporting that a woman was stabbed to death while her daughters, aged 8 and 12, hid in a closet. Later, the 12 year old girl called the police and reported that "daddy...

UPDATE: Non-Resident Licenses (When the Ohio Concealed Handgun License Isn't Enough)

One of the more popular articles posted on our website in 2008 was a piece by author Ken Cormack, examining the concept of non-resident concealed carry licenses and permits, describes the application processes for some of the states that offer them, and lists the factors a person should consider when choosing which non-resident licenses to obtain. Due to its popularity, Cormack's article was been...

Bowie Tactical Concepts: Making a good gun a great gun

By Jim Irvine Do you own a gun that you like, except for some minor detail? Do you wish your concealed carry gun concealed better? Do you want a unique look or feature for a special gun? If your concealed carry gun is a compromise, maybe it's time to consider some custom work to make your gun fit you better. Bowie Tactical Concepts (BTC) is owned and operated by David Bowie, a Sheriff Deputy,...

More Ohio State students robbed at gunpoint; Buckeye state continues to enforce campus victim zones

UPDATE: Michigan State approves exception to weapons ban By Gerard Valentino NBC Channel 4 in Columbus recently reported a crime alert for the Ohio State University Campus after two armed robberies last weekend. From the story : University police issued two new crime alerts for the campus area after armed robberies over the weekend. The first incident was reported just after midnight Saturday...

America's future under the anti-gun minority: "Anti-stab" kitchen knives and "smart guns"

By Gerard Valentino Things have gotten out of hand in Britain and it's a shame that a country with such a rich history can succumb to the will of a misguided minority. According to a story published recently on the TimesOnline website, Britain's first "anti-stab" kitchen knife is set to go on sale.

Use First Amendment freedoms to debate Second Amendment issues

By Gene Policinski Nobody wants to encourage or invite another campus killing spree like the one in 2007 at Virginia Tech University, in which 32 people died and 17 were wounded. But does that reasonable concern extend to prohibiting a rally or a flier that promotes the idea of allowing students to carry firearms on campus in self-defense? You and I may consider the idea of armed undergraduates...


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