
When reading the latest FBI crime stats, the devil is truly in the details

"Those kinds of things don't happen here" should no longer be part of the rural mindset. By Jim Shepherd I miss America. Seriously. If you ask me what I miss most, I'll probably tell you I miss youth. But it's not the youth that I miss, it's the attitude that existed when I was younger. Growing up in the middle of the past century - at the end of the last millennium (gosh, I do feel old now), it...

More women taking advantage of firearms classes

The Port Clinton News-Herald is reporting on a mother-daughter partnership that offers all-female gun education courses, as well as National Rifle Association-certified concealed carry courses. Joy and Faith Ferkel have instructed more than 75 men and women, who are now better prepared to defend themselves and their families. They say most of the female students have taken advantage of all-women...

The truth will out: Banned HSUS fundraising scandal video back up on the Internet!

Recently, we published a story highlighting a television report from Atlanta which exposed a major fundraising scandal at the anti-hunting Humane Society of the United States. Soon thereafter, HSUS launched an all-out war on WSB for publishing its story. According to blogger Amanda Nolz , "HSUS aggressively worked to pull the plug on this video before it did too much damage to their reputation...

The Second Amendment isn’t about hunting...or is it???

By Larry S. Moore I hear the phrase "The Second Amendment isn't about hunting" repeated in various comments, articles, websites and blogs. It is being repeated so often that is has become an accepted fact. I'm more tired of hearing this than I was the old Wendy's commercial, "Where's the beef?" (okay I am dating myself). Some days I've heard it so many times that I wonder why I bother to be...

Does exercising your rights mean you have something to hide?

By Gerard Valentino We have reached a new low when it comes to the Federal government's overzealous attempts to fight crime. According to a recent news story, the FBI and police in Westerville, Ohio are going to try and enforce a ban on wearing a hood, hat, sunglasses or use of a cell phone inside local banks. According to a quote attributed to the local police, would be bank robbers will be easy...

Months later, Ohio journalist's report continues to educate viewers on the dangers of "gun-free" zones

By Chad D. Baus As we reported earlier this month, more Americans than ever oppose new government efforts to regulate guns, in spite of the best efforts of the media propaganda machine's anti-gun bias. There is also growing evidence that the years of pro-gun advocates' warnings about the danger of declaring spaces to be "gun free" zones (i.e. infringing on citizens' Second Amendment rights) is...

Georgia college student saves 10 lives with gun; Ohio's defenseless students targeted by criminals

By Chad D. Baus One of the principle claims made in Diane Sawyer's rigged campus carry experiment , recently aired on ABC's 20/20, was that having a gun wouldn't protect a college student, that ordinary people like college students aren't trained to handle stress, that they might shoot innocent people, and that the bad guy might take their gun away. Apparently someone forgot to tell a student in...

Love Thy Neighbor: Buy a Gun

By Gerard Valentino Mankind pulled civilization out of the mud somewhere in the ancient past. In creating society, people agreed to a non-spoken compact that required everyone to look out for their neighbor. We aren't talking about a communist society where the government dictates that everyone work for the collective good, but instead an agreement between honest law-abiding people that made it...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.