Gun Grabbers

UK Mayhem Leaves Disarmed Citizens at the Mercy of Criminals

By now you have seen the headlines and images of destruction: the rioting, looting, violent assaults, and arson. London and other UK cities look like war zones and their citizens are afraid to venture out, because the danger is very real. It's a view of the temporary breakdown of society. It is gut check time; a time when the concept of being able to defend oneself gives way to the stark reality...

Dayton gun show arrests are proof that pro-gun rights advocates are right

by Gerard Valentino Recently, at a gun show in Dayton, Ohio several people were arrested for violating the law by buying a gun when they knew it was illegal for them to do so. As usual, the media tried to hang the arrests on gun show promoters and stirred up discussion about the mythical gun show loophole. From the article : "The gun show loophole is a deadly serious problem — and this undercover...

Op-Ed: Bloomberg Will Not Rest In His War On Firearm Freedoms

A look at how this billionaire bankrolls his vision of a disarmed citizenry by Raquel Okyay Philanthropist and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg​ is the kind of anti-freedom politician every gun owner should despise. Whether it is the food we eat or the kind of car we drive, Bloomberg likes to stick his nose in other people's business, and tell us what to do. Bloomberg's viewpoints are not...

It’s the Criminals, Stupid - Man is dead after City of Cleveland fails to get violent felon off the streets

by Ken Hanson, Esq. The Cleveland Plain Dealer is once again reporting on gun violence in Cleveland , and once again dedicating the majority of the ink to "getting the guns off the streets" and "prevention programs." In what I am sure is an unintended omission, this article makes reference to seven people shot in a 10 day span beginning July 26, 2011. Had The Plain Dealer extended their...

SAF/SCCC "Supporting Campus Concealed Carry" Forum in Washington D.C. airs live on C-SPAN

On August 8, C-SPAN televised live video of a forum hosted by two groups that support giving college students the ability to carry a concealed weapon on campus. From the article : The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC) argue that colleges would be safer if students were allowed to possess firearms. "Colleges have entered into an informal alliance...

Report: Gun crimes drop at Virginia bars and restaurants

by Chad D. Baus In the days before concealed carry became the law of the land in Ohio, opponents like the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence's Toby Hoover decried the proposed law , claiming that "If we have more use of guns, then we're going to have more people who are injured and die," and that "A person who has a gun sees danger. We will have more shootings, more accidents." During the debate...

The Criminal Steering of Gun Control

by Ron Borsch World history tells us of tyrants and dictators that have deprived the populace of their God given rights, especially the right to keep and bear arms. The Jewish Defense League ( ) has advised that everywhere in World history where genocide has been committed, the genocide was always preceded by disarming the population. The party or government responsible for disarming...

It's long past time to end "gun free" policies on U.S. military bases

by Gerard Valentino Since 9/11, the American people rediscovered the value of the United States military and were reminded of the sacrifices made by military families. The fact that our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines accept the risk of death willingly is a testament to the American spirit. Their willingness to die in the name of liberty is also a living reminder of the same risk our...


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