Gun Grabbers

Report: Obama to bypass representative government, dictate new gun control policies via executive order

by Chad D. Baus Having failed in their apparent goal of creating demand for gun control legislation by allowing thousands of guns to "walk" into Mexico, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney announced on Thursday, July 7, that the Obama administration is set to impose a series of gun control "reforms" via executive order. From The Huffington Post : The reforms, which are being crafted by the...

The News - Bought by Gun Ban Extremists

by Gerard Valentino When the ground breaking book, "More Guns, Less Crime" hit bookstores, the anti-gun establishment media, and anti-gun lobbyists were up in arms. The first step they took in trying to shut off meaningful debate on the issue, was to immediately attack the book's author, Professor John Lott, because the funding for his research came from the John M. Olin Foundation. Since the...

Toledo police create gun task force that will stop "those who look suspicious"

Toledo's Fox News affiliate is reporting that anti-gun Police Chief Michael Navarre is desperately looking for ways to control crimes committed with guns in the city. From the report : In the wake of at least six shootings and eight people shot over the weekend in the Glass City, Toledo Police Chief Michael Navarre has come up with a new way to stop the violence in the city and put some extra...

Letters to the editor provide common sense answers to newspapers' objections to restaurant carry legislation

In the run-up to final passage of Restaurant Carry legislation in Ohio, newspaper editorial pages have been filled with dire warnings of what would happen if the bill became law. The letters-to-the-editor sections, on the other hand, have been filled with common-sense responses from fair-minded readers. Following are just a few examples. The following letter to the editor appeared in The Columbus...

The Idiot Chronicles, Volume 4: Your elected Representative Mark Okey

by Ken Hanson, Esq. "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." While there is no definitive source for this quote (conflicting sources have it going all the way back to Napoleon), it clearly encompasses two things that are happening in the media coverage of the two Restaurant Carry bill spending in the Ohio General Assembly. The malice is coming from those opposing...

Reps. Michael Foley and Bill Patmon: Blaming the many for the sins of a few

by Chad D. Baus On May 11, 2011, during House debate on Restaurant Carry legislation, two Ohio state representatives took to the floor to explain their opposition to the bill. Both Representatives Michael Foley (D-14) and Bill Patmon (D-10) blamed their refusal to support the Second Amendment rights of Ohioans because of a few extreme examples of licensed individuals breaking the law. Consider...

The Idiot Chronicles, Volume 3: Random Elected Representative Comments You Might Have Missed

by Ken Hanson, Esq. "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." While there is no definitive source for this quote (conflicting sources have it going all the way back to Napoleon), it clearly encompasses two things that are happening in the media coverage of the two Restaurant Carry bill spending in the Ohio General Assembly. The malice is coming from those opposing...

Attorney General Mike DeWine to form "Gun Crime Advisory Group"

by Jim Irvine Attorney General Mike DeWine (R) has announced that he will form an advisory group "to deal with the huge problem of convicted felons who are using guns" while they are committing more crimes. "There are a relatively small number of individuals in the state who commit the vast majority of violent crimes," DeWine said. It may be concerning to gun owners that DeWine cited a flawed...


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