Gun Grabbers

Toledo police spokesperson: Defending self during armed robbery "just not worth it"

After four jewelry store holdups in the past month, a Toledo police department spokesperson is reminding citizens that while they have a right to defend themselves, they really shouldn't bother. "You may just end up in a big gun battle and the store owner may get the suspect they may get the store owner and no telling what bystanders might be involved so its just really not worth it." (emphasis...

Texas gun store foils Ft. Hood plot; Incident reminds nation of need to eradicate "gun free" policies on U.S. military bases

by Chad D. Baus The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported this week that a plot by a Muslim member of the U.S. Army to wage another terrorist attack at the Ft. Hood army base has foiled when a employees at a Killeen, TX gun store became suspicious and reporting his activities to police. From the article : Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo, after raising suspicions at a Killeen, Texas, gun shop where he purchased...

Victim zone robberies highlight fallacy of 'no-guns' signs; UDF finally sees the light, but other businesses still posting signs

by Chad D. Baus Since the day Ohio's concealed carry law was passed in 2004, the battle to educate business owners about the fallacies of posting 'no-guns' signs has waged in earnest. There have been many victories - some signs were taken down within days or even hours of being posted, after customers had informative conversations with business owners. Other 'no-guns' policies have persisted for...

CCW laws "completely insane": Canton City Council President rails against Americans upset about cop's behavior on dash cam video

by Chad D. Baus Perhaps now we know why police officer Daniel Harless thought it was acceptable behavior to unleash his violent, profanity-laced tirade on a concealed handgun license-holder in Canton, Ohio, saying "People like you don't deserve to @#$%#$ move throughout public. Period!" before threatening to murder the CHL-holder. Canton City Council President Allen Schulman has unleashed his own...

ATF Chief Admits Mistakes in 'Fast and Furious, ' Accuses Holder Aides of Stonewalli​ng Congress

Fox News is reporting that the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,Firearms and Explosives has admitted that his agency, in at least one instance, allowed sales of high-powered weapons without intercepting them -- and he accuses his superiors at the Justice Department of stonewalling Congress to protect political appointees in the scandal over those decisions. From the article : Acting ATF...

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre Stands Up for American Gun Owners at United Nations

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre drew a line in sand on behalf of American gun owners at the United Nations last week. LaPierre spoke to the UN's Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) Preparatory Committee, the group drafting an international treaty that will supposedly control all non-nuclear arms, worldwide, including civilian firearms. He told the audience of delegates from approximately 150 UN...

ATF Requiring Multiple Sales Reporting of Long Guns; Firearms Industry to File Suit

by Larry Keane The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) - the trade association for America's firearms industry - announced this week that it will file a lawsuit challenging the legal authority of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) under the Gun Control Act to compel 8,500 federally licensed firearms retailers in Arizona,...

Demand Gunwalker Accountability

by Jeff Knox Most of the larger national media outlets are doing their best to ignore the Gunwalker scandal, but the word is dribbling out despite the best efforts of the Obama Administration and their lackeys in the mainstream press. Those who know about the outrageous project should be demanding answers and accountability. The recent hearings in the House Oversight and Government Reform...


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