Gun Grabbers

Gun banners' "Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence" fails to provide education on crime avoidance or gun safety

by Gerard Valentino The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence is still trying to convince people the Second Amendment has no value in today's America. To that end, they are using a group called the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence as a cover to market anti-gun myths. Oddly enough, the education spoken about by the CSGV does not help teach people, or specifically children, how to avoid becoming the...

Obama Executive Order Cannot Legally Enact Rifle-Reporting Law

Effort to Bypass Congress Is Illegitimate, Experts Say Similar Laws Have Required Bills, Open Debate, Recorded Votes News Media Asleep at the Wheel, Reporting Without Questioning Firearm Owners Protection Act Bans Such Proposals Altogether Congress Already Rejected Reporting for Long Guns If this stands up, limits on power fall apart -- Is that the true goal of Project Gunrunner? The effort by...

SAF Wins Injunction V. Chicago Gun Range Ban

In a 3-0 ruling issued last week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has reversed a lower court ruling and ordered that court to issue a preliminary injunction against the City of Chicago on behalf of the Second Amendment Foundation that prevents the city from banning gun ranges inside city limits. Joining SAF in the original lawsuit were Action Target, Inc., the Illinois State...

Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Mr. Helmke

The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette is reporting that Sunday, July 10 marked Paul Helmke's final day as president of the Brady Campaign and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Helmke spent his final moments as president arguing that the ATF/ Department of Justice "Gunrunner/Fast and Furious" scandal is proof of the need for - what else? - more gun control. Helmke said he's undecided about his...

NSSF ACTION ALERT: Gun Trace Data Under Attack in Congress [UPDATED]

In the wake of the Fast and Furious scandal and a decision by the Department of Justice to approve multiple sales reporting of long guns along the Southwest border, last night Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA-29) announced his intention to offer an amendment that would strip from an appropriations bill an important law enforcement protection, known as the Tiahrt Amendment, that safeguards law enforcement-...

Obama's Dept. of Justice seeks to distract from 'Fast & Furious' scandal with new reporting rules; NRA vows lawsuit

The Associated Press is reporting that Obama administration's Department of Justice announced Monday that all gun shops in four Southwest border states will be required to alert the federal government to frequent buyers of high-powered rifles. DoJ officials claimed the move is an effort to stem the illicit flow of weapons into Mexico - an issue manufactured (literally!) by the Obama...

Holder's claims to have only just learned of Gunrunner proven false - by his own website

by Jim Shepherd As the Operation Fast and Furious story continues, it seems the Attorney General of the United States has more than a little explaining to do over his having very little personal knowledge of the operation that knowingly allowed a large number of American-made firearms to be illegally purchased and transported across the border to Mexican criminals. On May 3, Mr. Holder testified...

Madison, WI prosecutors drop charges filed against gun rights activists after open carry incident

Buckeye Firearms Foundation-supported civil rights lawsuit against city alive and well On Monday, Sept. 27, 2010, Buckeye Firearms Association informed readers about the arrest of five members of Wisconsin Carry Inc. , a state firearms rights group in Wisconsin, who were legally open carrying in their local Culvers restaurant when a dreaded "man with a gun" call was made to the local police. We...


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