National Politics

Report: Conservation Group, Unions Joining Forces

By Larry S. Moore On January 16, the Washington Post reported 20 labor unions with nearly 5 million members are joining forces with a Republican-leaning umbrella group of conservationists -- the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership -- to put pressure on Congress and the Bush administration. From the story: The Union Sportsman's Alliance, to be rolled out in Washington on Tuesday after...

D.C. handgun ban facing challenge, national implications bear on 2nd Am.

By Tim Inwood In 1976, Washington D.C. passed a draconian law banning the possession of handguns. Today, there are hopes a lawsuit ( Shelly Parker et al v. District of Columbia ) may bring an end to this era of stupidity. The D.C. law bans all handguns that were not registered with the city prior to September 24th, 1976. This law also applies to ammunition, and a special license to have "...

BILL OF RIGHTS DAY - December 15th, 2006

By Rick Jones and Larry Moore As the old saying goes, “if you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any”. In today’s society of hustle and bustle one really doesn’t take the time to really think about what their rights are. We take these rights for granted. Just about everyone knows what the First Amendment to the Constitution is, freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and freedom to...

Arms-Bearing Can Bear the Defeat

The Second Amendment emerges from the election relatively unscathed November 8, 2006 By Dave Kopel The Second Amendment has emerged from the biggest Democratic victory since 1974 with relatively little damage. One reason is that in races all over the country, Democrats returned to their Jefferson-Jackson roots by running candidates who trust the people to bear arms. I do not...

Misguided mayors need to look to Castle Doctrine laws to curb crime

By Tim Inwood On Thursday October 26th a group of mayors gathered in Chicago to plot their strategy for getting guns off the streets , a continuation of Mayor Bloomberg’s efforts from April. While the gathering made headlines in USA Today, the details in the reporting made it clear this cluster of obtuse politicians are clueless about crime. The problem with crime is not guns, it is criminals...

Second Thoughts: How will the upcoming elections affect gun rights?

November 2, 2006 By Dave Kopel Things look a lot better for the Second Amendment than they do for the Republican party. A race-by-race analysis of the Senate suggests that, while party control of the Senate could change, the Senate is very likely to retain a pro-gun working majority. A 50-seat tsunami in the House would result in a gain of over two dozen seats for anti-gun...

Survey: Amazing growth in female participation in hunting & shooting

The National Shooting Sports Foundation is reporting that a new survey suggests amazing growth in female participation in hunting and shooting. From the report: According to the survey, 72 percent more women are hunting with firearms today than just five years ago. And 50 percent more women are now target shooting. Here's a roundup of specific NSGA findings on female participation from 2001...

The Left Wing's Plan For Guns

"Why would an honest person even want a gun?" by Alan Korwin, Author Gun Laws of America It's time to remember what the Democrat party generally seeks regarding guns and gun rights. The list below was widely circulated while Clinton was in power. (This list and more is available at my website, . The democrat-backed Brady group and similar outfits have been quiet about guns...


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