National Politics

Letter from Rob Portman and 50 other Senators helps kill U.N. Arms Trade Treaty

by Dean Rieck By now you have undoubtedly heard that the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty is dead , for the time being at least. Many Second Amendment supporters can share credit for this victory, from the NRA who have been battling this liberty-threatening travesty for years down to individual gun owners who have been making calls to legislators. Some of the most effective opposition came from Ohio's own...

Op-Ed: When Guns Stopped A Massacre

by Dick Morris On February 12, 2007, a lone gunman, Sulejman Talovic opened fire at the crowded Trolley Square shopping mall killing five bystanders. Armed with a shotgun with a pistol grip, a 38-caliber handgun with rubber grips, and a backpack full of ammunition, he set forth on his rampage through the Mall. But he did not get as far as he had hoped. He was stopped when off-duty police officer...

One For the History Books

by Jim Shepherd The birds on the South Carolina marsh had to think I'd lost my mind yesterday morning. After quietly watching them do the things that birds do for over an hour, I suddenly jumped away from my camera, did a fist pump, and whooped like a madman. Twitter feeds had confirmed the results of an Olympic event I was too nervous to watch online: Kim Rhode had achieved her goal of becoming...

Op-Ed: New gun laws will do nothing to stop mass shooting attacks

by John Lott In the wake of the Colorado tragedy, Democrats in Congress have wasted no time introducing new gun control legislation. Today, Sen. Frank Lautenberg and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy introduced a bill that bans the sale of ammunition online and by mail. Last Thursday, six Senate Democrats proposed amending the cybersecurity bill to ban magazines holding more than 10 bullets. President Obama...

BATFE Continues Campaign Against Whistleblowers

In their latest attempt to protect whistleblowers from BATFE reprisal, on July 18 Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) sent a letter to BATFE Acting Director B. Todd Jones, asking him to clarify the comments he made in a video message sent to agency employees. In the video, entitled "Choices and Consequences," Jones states, "Choices and consequences mean, simply, that if...

NRA Stops U.N. Arms Trade Treaty

U.N. ATT Conference Comes to an Impasse The Conference on the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (U.N. ATT) has broken down and will not report a draft treaty to the member nations. This is a big victory for American gun owners, and the NRA is being widely credited for killing the U.N. ATT. For nearly 20 years, the NRA has worked tirelessly to warn American gun owners about the United Nations’...

The U.N.’s Latest Attack on Liberty Arms Trade Treaty promises U.S. harm

by Jeff Knox I have to admit that I was skeptical about the U.N. ever getting their act together enough to construct an Arms Trade Treaty that they could all agree on, but I underestimated the level of cooperation attainable by that body when their target is liberty. With the terrorist-exporting state of Iran in a leadership role, the committee has been plowing down obstacles and rapidly moving...

Obama announces he'll “leave no stone unturned” in seeking new measures to reduce gun violence in wake of Colorado mass murder

by Chad D. Baus and Jim Irvine Ask any politically-minded gun owner who stays abreast of current events why they believe Barack Obama is anti-gun, and they will quickly respond with a litany of reasons, dating from his days in Illinois as a state senator and Joyce Foundation board member, as well as his days in the U.S. Senate. Most will also be able to rattle off examples of President Obama's...


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