National Politics

Disinformation Continues as U.N. Arms Treaty Takes Shape

In New York this week, the U.N. Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty continued trying to draft a treaty to impose worldwide controls on small arms, including civilian-owned firearms. The NRA has made clear its opposition to any treaty that includes civilian firearms, and continues to note that a majority of the United States Senate stands with American gun owners in opposition to such a treaty. We...

How long is too long to wait to defend the Second Amendment?

by Chad D. Baus This year marks my tenth year as a Second Amendment writer. Throughout the years, I've covered far too many multiple victim public shootings. Buckeye Firearms Association has always sought to be sensitive to the fact that these aren't just news stories - they are real victims with real families grieving painful losses. Unfortunately, in the hyper (and hyper-political) news cycle...

Yet another mass murder in "gun free" zone, but media fails to take note

by Chad D. Baus There is still much to be learned about the events that unfolded in that Aurora, CO Cinemark movie theatre early Friday morning, July 20, but as the media looks for answers, they are once again either missing or ignoring something that is consistent time and again with these multiple victim public shootings - they almost always happen in places where guns are banned. From...

NRA-ILA sets up Second Amendment Activist Centers throughout Ohio - ground zero in the 2012 presidential race

Dear Second Amendment Supporters: The NRA-ILA has been busy visiting gun shops throughout the Buckeye State recruiting Second Amendment Activist Centers. These Centers provide NRA members and gun owners with NRA buttons, Fact Sheets on candidates, volunteer sign-up forms, and information on grassroots activities and events. We are asking all of you to visit your local Activist Center, pick up...

Dept. of Defense again attempts to trample on Second Amendment rights of returning U.S. military troops

by Linda Walker If it was not enough that Marines were forced to disarm at their base at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan this past March when Defense Secretary Leon Panetta paid a visit, I read with personal interest an article in regard to depressed returning troops recently posted at, entitled " DoD Could Renew Push to Restrict Personal Weapons ." According to the article "The...

BATFE Modifies Shotgun Import Ban Study, Still Gets It Wrong

In January 2011, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives released its "Study on the Importability of Certain Shotguns." Using the unconstitutional and oft-abused "sporting purposes" test as justification, BATFE concocted a list of ten popular shotgun features and determined that "shotguns containing any of these features are not particularly suitable for nor readily adaptable to...

Are environmentalists' anti-gun policies to blame for wildfires in the West?

by Chad D. Baus The headlines have echoed across the country: "Guns blamed for starting wildfires in parched West" According to the Associated Press, officials believe target shooting or other firearms use sparked at least 21 wildfires in Utah and nearly a dozen in Idaho. Shooting is also believed to have caused fires in Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. In Utah, the AP says Republican Gov. Gary...


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