National Politics

Tough love for the outdoor community: "You people need to figure out who your enemies are and you better do it right quick."

by Rich Grassi Editor, The Tactical Wire Without descending into the current political morass of charge/counter-charge, extremist vs. extremist, agenda and charisma driven politics, I think it's time for a block of voters to coalesce - the people of the outdoors. Yes, it sounds like interest group politics. Extremist whack-job pseudojournalists who exist only in the NYC-DC Bubble and on our TV...

Fast and Furious will prove worse than Watergate

by Tim Inwood A few days ago Obama spokesman Jay Carney tried to tie Bush era operations like Wide Receiver with Operation Fast and Furious. If you watch something other than MSNBC you would know there is little in common between the Bush era operations and what Obama/Holder did. The fact is, in the other cases they were run like any other classic police show set up you have ever seen. Whether it...

Op-Ed: Fast and Furious Is Not a D.C. Law Firm

by Ann Coulter Most Americans don't care about whether Attorney General Eric Holder is hiding Fast and Furious documents because they don't understand the story. Until someone can tell us otherwise, there is only one explanation for why President Obama's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives gave thousands of guns to Mexican drug dealers: It put guns in their hands...

NRA sounds the warning about U.N. Arms Treaty

Publicly, the Obama administration has played down its antipathy toward the Second Amendment. Privately, however, it has supported the single most dangerous anti-gun idea we have seen in our lifetime: The U.N. Arms Treaty, which carries the threat of doing an end run around the Constitution, allowing international gun-grabbing busybodies to attack the rights of law-abiding gun owners here in the...

June sees 24.5% increase in firearms sales checks over same month last year; 25th straight month over month increase

The June 2012 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 846,437 is an increase of 24.5 percent over the NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 679,840 in June 2011. For comparison, the unadjusted June 2012 NICS figure of 1,290,210 reflects an 11.4 percent increase from the unadjusted NICS figure of 1,157,714 in June 2011. This marks the 25th straight month that NSSF-...

Op-Ed: D-Day for gun control

by Dick Morris Without much fanfare and with as little publicity as possible, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will go to New York City to sign the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), now in the final stages of negotiation at the U.N. The treaty marks the beginning of an international crusade to impose gun controls on the United States and repeal our Second Amendment rights. The ATT is...

Contempt citation prompts Attorney Gen. Eric "Fast & Furious" Holder to unseal indictment charging five in Brian Terry's death

by Chad D. Baus In the wake of the BATFE's gun walking operation "Fast & Furious," which led to the death of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, and the subsequent cover-up by Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama, which has led to Holder being found in contempt of Congress less than two weeks ago, Holder has suddenly decided it would be a good idea to look like he...

U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Negotiations Underway

As we reported last week, for nearly 20 years, the NRA has fought tirelessly to oppose any United Nations effort to undermine the constitutional rights of law-abiding American gun owners. That fight has grown more intense lately, as the U.N. and global gun banners have markedly stepped up their attack on our Second Amendment freedoms by including civilian arms in the proposed Arms Trade Treaty...


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