National Politics

Canadian security analyst: Blaming America for our gun problem is prejudicial

After weeks of blaming America for the increasingly public failure of gun control in their country, the Canadian Press is reporting that even as U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice offered assurances that the United States is cooperating to try to stop the smuggling of guns into that country, Canadian officials are being told to look to their own policies rather than focus blame on America...

Tracing cash from wealthy law firms to Senators who voted 'nay' on S397

With the exception of a pro-S. 397 editorial from a California news daily, most in the media are still writhing in agony over the pass age of the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act." Instead of their anti-gun rhetoric, an recent op-ed shows that what a responsible media should be reporting on is how greedy lawyers were behind most of the fight on this sensible tort reform legislation. In...

Gun ban extremists criticize NSSF's gun lock program as ''publicity ploy''

Just as gun ban extremists have taken to criticizing distribution of Eddie Eagle coloring books (using a deceptive website designed to fool people into thinking they are a pro-gun group) designed to teach children to "Stop, Don't Touch, Leave the Area, Tell an Adult" if they see a gun, the gun ban lobby is again showing how little concern they actually have to gun safety. From a story in USA...

Dems tap pro-gun candidate to challenge DeWine

Ohio gun owners have long warned an Ohio GOP that seemed all too ready to defend their support for anti-gun, increasingly left-leaning candidates, that they should not take pro-Second Amendment grassroots support for granted. And they have long wondered what might happen if Democrats realized the political error of their institutional support for gun control and began backing pro-gun candidates...

Clinton Gun Ban Sunset, One Year Later - What the News Won't Tell You

Last year, the warnings were dire. The Clinton Gun Ban expired on September 13, 2004, after months and months of shrill screams from gun ban extremists that the sunset would result in the rein of terror on American streets California Sen. Dianne Feinstein warned if the ban sunsetted "you can expect more incidents'' such as the July 1, 1993, shootings at 101 California in which a gunman used two...

Dems seeking pro-gun candidates to face DeWine

A story in the Cincinnati Enquirer offers increasing indications that Democrats have in mind to run a pro-gun candidate against anti-gun Republican Senator Mike DeWine in 2006. While one such potential rival, U.S. Rep Tim Ryan, announced that he has decided to seek a third term in Congress and will not oppose DeWine, Ryan says DeWine is vulnerable and suggested a fellow pro-gun Democrat: Iraq war...

Baton Rouge: ''Anxious residents boost gun trade''

The (London) Financial Times is reporting that sales at one Baton Rouge gun store have increased 1000% or more in the wake of Hurrice Katrina and The E-Z Pawn store on Airline Drive in northern Baton Rouge is doing a brisk trade in guns post-Hurricane Katrina. “I’ve got people like you wouldn’t believe, lots of people, coming in and buying handguns,” said Briley Reed, 34, assistant manager. “I’ve...

Ohio's urban residents should take a lesson from New Orleans

By Chad D. Baus When debating the issue of Second Amendment rights with gun ban extremists, one of the questions that is always presented is "why do you need a gun to protect yourself? That's what the police are for!". Women who are being stalked by violent criminals and elderly persons living in bad neighborhoods alike are told that they should not take responsibility for their own protection...


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