National Politics

The uncomfortable truth about school shootings

Commentary updated Oct. 5, 5:00 p.m.: MSNBC Live Vote: Should teachers be armed? By Ken Hanson In a rare moment of straighforwardness, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, a staunch gun control extremist, has acknowledged that stronger gun control laws could not have prevented the horrible shooting at the Amish school in his state. During a press conference, Rendell stated, “I believe with all my heart...

Op-ed: Gun Control: Does the UN Protect Women’s Rights?

September 27, 2006 By Howard Nemerov In order to implement their policies globally, gun control activists promote the idea that more guns means increased victimization of women. This runs counter to established crime trends showing that women in countries instituting gun bans suffered increasing rates of rape while rape decreased in the U.S., where guns are available. But giving the benefit of...

Op-Ed: Gun Control - First Remove the Log From Your Own Eye

September 21, 2006 By Howard Nemerov The United Nations still plans to outlaw the Second Amendment. The question is: If we give up our sovereignty, will the UN provide for our safety? See how well they did in other countries where civilians were disarmed. Click here to read the entire article from Howard Nemerov, an accomplished writer and good friend to Buckeye Firearms Association. NOTE:...

Disturbing Trend: Robbers More Likely to Shoot Victims

By Dean Rieck The FBI has released data showing that violent crime is on the rise. There’s also a growing trend of teenagers shooting their victims. From a recent article in USA Today: Violent crime continued to increase in the first six months of this year, highlighted by a growing trend of teenagers shooting robbery victims even if they surrender their valuables. ...“Crime is coming back, and...

Writer: Ohio gun owners made up 27% of vote in 2000

On August 10, a columnist in the Minneapolis Star Tribune presented information which affirmed one of the central points made in Ken Hanson's rebuttal to Associated Press reporter Julie Carr-Smyth's recent complaints that Ohio gubernatorial candidates are battling for gun votes while “only” 400,000 out of 11 million Ohioans have a hunting license or a concealed handgun license. In his rebuttal to...

Silly Crime Summit Take II

By Gerard Valentino A Crime Summit planned for August 30th in Washington D.C. is expected to attract law enforcement and elected officials from more than a dozen cities. The goal of the meeting is to discuss the increase in crime during 2005. One thing you can take to the bank is that the participants will blame guns for the increase in crime - they always do. It seems to be epidemic among law...

Op-Ed: Gun store owners - a thankless job

Published Wednesday, July 26, 2006, in National Review Online By John R. Lott Jr. It is tough operating a gun shop under harassment from the federal government and unjustified media attacks. But the harassment might soon get a little better, as today the House Judiciary Committee starts marking up a bill by Representatives Howard Coble and Bobby Scott to ease the burden on gun merchants... The NRA is riding high; gun control is a political loser

July 9, 2006 U.S. News & World Report Oklahoma Rep. Dan Boren's Washington office features his hunting trophies, including a stuffed wild turkey and a mounted deer head. The freshman congressman's enthusiasm for firearms might always have stood out in the Democratic Party, but Boren now finds himself among an even more endangered species: Democrats willing to discuss guns at all. "When we as...


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