National Politics

Dear GOP: If you truly value it, do it BEFORE November 7

By Chad D. Baus Republicans have announced their "American Values Agenda'' to shore up their conservative base this election year, and two of the ten priorities are aimed directly at gun owners. One is a bill giving gun dealers more protection from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and the other is the Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act, based on the effort by New Orleans police...

US House votes to overturn mandatory gun locks

On Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to overturn a recently enacted law requiring safety trigger locks on all hand guns sold in the United States. The Republican-controlled House handed a victory to opponents of gun control by a vote of 230-191. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave argued that the added cost of the trigger locks is passed on to gun owners and that they "do not stop accidental...

The U.N. Wants Your Guns

By Chris Chumita The global war on your personally owned firearms has already begun. The NRA and its Executive Vice-President, Wayne LaPierre, have been trying to sound the alarm for years. So far, it does not appear that many people are listening. The United Nations (U.N.), the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), and other countries are trying to ban the private ownership of...

Op-Ed: Friendly Fire

If McCain’s going to claim he’s a conservative on guns, then he’s got some explaining to do. May 17, 2006 By John R. Lott. Jr. With presidential primaries just over two-and-a-half years away, John McCain is moving back towards Republican conservatives. On some issues, from campaign finance to illegal immigration to global warming, he isn’t even trying to convince conservatives...

Federal Legislation That Will Affect Your Gun Rights: Part 2

By Chris Chumita We may have won some of the battles lately, but we haven’t won the war. The anti-gun organizations will not be content until we are totally unarmed and left defenseless. It is up to us to be aware of their attacks on our gun rights and oppose them every step of the way. The Buckeye Firearms Association’s web site will help keep you current on the local and state issues. Web sites...

Federal Legislation That Will Affect Your Gun Rights: Part 1

By Chris Chumita It is a good time to be a gun owner. We are successfully taking back our Second Amendment rights that we lost due to years of complacency. In order to maintain our momentum, you need to be aware of what is going on at the local, state, and federal levels. The Buckeye Firearms Association’s web site will help keep you current on the local and current issues. Web sites such as...

Op-Ed: One Silly Summit

By Gerard Valentino (This commentary has also been published at and ) The recent summit led by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was yet another example of the anti-gun movement proving that their own cause has failed. Bloomberg, and his band of big city mayors, called for an increase in the tracking of illegal guns, and more education for citizens on how to avoid...

FEC to leave alone Web political speech

March 28, 2006 Washington Times The Federal Election Commission voted 6-0 yesterday morning in favor of campaign-finance rules that will leave political speech on the Internet mostly unregulated. "It didn't take long to reach a decision," said FEC spokesman Ian Stirton. "All six members voted in favor." The rules approved by the FEC will give Web sites, blogs and e-mails the same exemption that...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.