National Politics

Op-Ed: The Low-Down on Quail Hunters

By Sim Evans The furor over the Dick Cheney/Harry Whittington shoot-out in South Texas seems to be dying down, but don’t be fooled. There is more to this than meets the eye, and the ever vigilant news media will, sooner or later, get it all sorted out. Here is what they have garnered from the event so far. In a rare exhibition of good sleuthing, the media have already uncovered a possible motive...

Analysis: Cheney's little shot not a big deal among mishaps

Of all the places to (finally) find some accuracy from the media on this over-publicized hunting accident... February 14, 2006 Cleveland Plain Dealer By D'Arcy Egan Harry Whittington has to be thanking his lucky stars that Dick Cheney is a crack shot. As shotguns go, Cheney's little 28-gauge is a pipsqueak. It shoots a shotshell that holds far less powder and lead shot than the standard 12-gauge...

Canada's Liberal (gun control) party ousted from power

After a campaign which featured Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin of the Liberal Party blaming the United States for a recent surge in violent crime in his country, a campaign in which Bowling for Columbine 's Michael Moore may have broken Canadian law (s. 331 Non-interference by Foreigners) by attempting to induce voters against the Conservative leader, and in the wake of a failed $2 billion...

Gun Control Failure: Canadian Violent Crime Rate Doubles America's

For Immediate Release Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms BELLEVUE, WA – Canada's billion-dollar boondoggle – the national gun registration scheme – has proven itself an abysmal failure, as that country's violent crime rates are double those reported in the United States, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) noted today. "We looked at violent...

''Democrats recast gun control image''. But is it a true conversion?

By Chad D. Baus The Boston Globe is reporting that the Democrat party, long identified with gun control, is rethinking its approach to the gun debate, seeking to improve the chances of its candidates in states where hunters have been wary of casting votes for a party with a national reputation of being against guns. According to the story, the Democrats' effort to soften their rhetoric on gun...

Thanks to national columnist, misleading campaign postcard still reverberates

By Chad D. Baus Last summer, voters in Ohio's 2nd Congressional District who make their decisions based on gun rights were given two good choices - former State Rep. Jean Schmidt (R) faced off against Iraq War vet Paul Hackett (D), in a special election to fill a seat vacated when President Bush appointed then-Congressman Rob Portman as U.S. Trade Representative. The National Rifle Association...

Gallup Poll: Guns in 4 of 10 homes; women more likely to use guns for protection

A recent Gallup Poll entitled "Gun Ownership and Use in America" shows that 4 in 10 Americans report having a gun in their homes, that most gun owners say they use their guns to protect themselves against crime, for hunting, and for target shooting. What may come as surprise to sexist anti-gun extremists is that the poll's findings also found that women more likely than men to use guns for...

NPR tackles subject of guns the workplace, repeats misleading data

NPR story ignores facts regarding the nature of gun violence in the workplace National Public Radio is reporting on a move that would ensure employers in Florida could not deny their workers' Constitutional right to bear arms self-defense while traveling to and from their workplace. Although the report quotes advocates on both sides of the issue, NPR repeats statistics that completely fail to...


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